Sunday, May 24, 2009

As We Have Opportunity

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Galatians 6:10

Each of us, as individuals, has a task to do. Each of us must use what opportunities we have to do good to others. Many wait for glaringly obvious opportunities to present themselves. Instead, we need to look for opportunities to do good. In Matthew 26:16, Judas sought an opportunity to betray Christ. Rather than this, we should seek opportunity to serve Christ. And by serving the needs of others, we do indeed serve Christ (Matthew 25:33-46). What we are faced with is not a lack of opportunities, but rather, a failure to recognize and grasp the opportunities we are presented with.

The matter of doing good unto others is one with many implications. Many things we can do seem like such small things, and are things that will never receive acclaim or praise from other men. Nonetheless, we cannot ignore the small things, whether it is a matter of helping someone walk across the floor, sending a card for someone, or mowing their lawn for them. At other times, our opportunities may seem far beyond what we are able to handle. They may seem to require more of us than we can do, whether emotionally, physically, or financially. We cannot let the size of opportunities keep us from doing what we can. If we cannot do it all, we all can at least do something.

In addition to doing what we can for others physically and lending a helping hand in whatever way we can, there is another aspect which can have much longer lasting effects. And that is doing good unto others spiritually. That is, bringing the gospel to those who do not have it, and helping the brethren continue in the walk with Christ. We are commanded to go unto all the world (Matthew 28:18-20), spreading the gospel of salvation (Romans 1:16). Whatever we may do for others physically is good, and the effects may last for a long time. Whatever we may do for others spiritually can last eternally.

We have no excuse to not do good unto all men. We have a responsibility to Christ to care for others. Whether for the poor, who are always with us (John 12:8), those who are without family (James 1:27), our brethren (John 13:34), our physically family (Mark 9:7-13), or for anyone else who may pass our way, we must do for them as we would do for Christ, that we may be good and faithful servants (Matthew 25:34-39).

So how many opportunities have you looked for in this last week?

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