Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall Gospel Meeting Cancelled

The fall gospel meeting with Brian Yeager has been cancelled.
Look for our spring gospel meeting with Dwight King.  Details will be given out as that time approaches.
thank you.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fall Gospel Meeting

Our Fall Gospel Meeting will be October 21-25, 2012.
With Brian Yeager doing the preaching.
monday and tuesday 7:30
Wednesday 7:00
Sunday: 9:45; 10:45; 5:00

Monday, March 26, 2012

gospel meeting April 22-25

Bro. Marc Smith of Hewitt Texas will be preaching our Gospel Meeting on April 22-25.
Everyone is invited.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Return to Him

In Isaiah 31:6 we read: "Return to Him from whom you have deeply defected, O sons of Israel."

As we consider the work of the prophets, this was their main message. We on this side of the cross of Christ might consider that their importance was in declaring the coming of the King of Israel, and in describing Jesus and His cause.
Yet, the prophets spoke to two different groups. Obviously, in their day, they had to speak to God's people, because the people had defected away from God. We know what it means when a spy defected, or a soldier defected. It means they have turned their back on their commitment, and have sought comfort, aid, solitude, repose in the midst of the enemy.
The prophets tried to get the people to stop their sins and start serving the God of Israel once again. It would be for their good. They would enjoy many blessings if they did. However their sins were more important to them, than serving God, and thus they suffered terribly because of their sins.
We also learn from the prophets, as they were the same as our modern day preachers. At least those preachers that speak the truth of God's word. We teach the same lessons in so many ways. That is why Paul wrote in Romans 15:4 that the things written aforetime were for our instruction.
The prophets also told of the coming of the Messiah. They told what the signs would be, and really, if people had studied the scriptures well enough, they should have recognized Jesus as the Messiah that was promised.
Many people today need to heed the call of the prophet. They have been separated from God by their iniquities (sins), and are in need of salvation.
So like the pleading of the prophet of 2700 years ago, consider returning to God, by obedience to His gospel message.
Believe in the Christ as the Son of God who died upon the cross for YOUR sins. Repent by changing your life to focus upon God and not yourself. Confess the name of Jesus now and everyday for the rest of your life, and be baptized for the removal of your sins. It is only then that you can become a Christian, and then you must continue to learn how to be a better Christian all the days of your life.
By Carey Scott