Monday, June 13, 2011

What Is There Left To Do?

The prophet Micah pictures a grim picture of his society and culture in chapter seven. The utter devastation that he pictures is horrible, and it was all preventable had the people served the Lord.
Notice that Micah says there is no fruit in the land. Drought and pestilence have decimated the landscape.
There is no morality in the land, as the godly seem to have perished from the face of the earth. No upright people in the land and seems like everyone is out to beat everyone else.
The people have learned evil so well they do it with both hands. It takes a lot of practice to learn to switch hit in baseball. To throw effectively with either one hand or the other. To write so well with either the right or left hand that people cannot tell the difference. So it is that these people have practiced sin so long, that they can do it right or left handed (this is a figure of speech).
Bribes take place, and justice is perverted.
The leaders are out to get everyone else, and they make rules to benefit certain ones. Seems like we hear these same claims today in our political system.
Even the best of the people are like thorn bushes or briars.
They are not even watching out for themselves. Because if they ever posted a watchman, they would realize that an army is not coming, but it is already there. Just like our borders have been open for so long, that when we finally open our eyes, we will find our enemy among us and well prepared to wreak havoc in every part of the land. And people will begin to ask, what happened?
He speaks of a lack of trust among everyone. Every word is reported and leaked to the public. Tweets and e-mails are no longer private, but exposed to the world for all to see.
Even families do not treat each other as they should. There is contempt for the parents, and the children are a danger to the parents, and the worst enemy is in your own family. Domestic violence is rampant.
So what is there left to do?
Micah says the following: "But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation, My God will hear me." Micah 7:8
When all is said and done, all we can do is turn to the Lord and seek His guidance, protection, wisdom, and love.

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