Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pray For Our Nation

For too long, the people of this nation have digressed away from it's core principles. Most people will hold up the right to worship at the church of your choice, but few actually exercise that right for themselves. There is a movement in our land that would seek to stop that right. I am sure many of you are depressed about the condition of our land and our society. The media has all but declared a war on Christianity. The TV shows are shoving all sorts of sin in our face, and many in that industry do so with malicious intent towards those who claim to follow Jesus. Even advertisers are forcing us to accept "alterate lifestyles" as not just one way, but really the only way as far as they are concerned. There are very few shows in which at least one or more regulars are living the "gay" lifestyle. The internet is another place that produces problems. For now, people can view whatever they want in the privacy of their own home. For many, they did not go see "adult films" for fear of being seen entering or exiting the venue where it took place. Now they can watch such filth with nobody being the wiser (except God still sees them). There are web sites that promote extra-marital affairs, and promise to keep them secret. While the internet has proved useful in some things, there are many areas in which it would have been better had it not been invented. Yet there is hope. Elijah had considered that all was lost and that he was alone in service to God, but God told him that there were seven thousand that still served Him (1 Kings 19:18). While that may sound impressive, consider that there were millions living in the land. But let us try to save our land by changing it one soul at a time. We are not going to get the entertainment media to change, because all their filth produces billions at the box office, thus giving them profits. The sex trade will not go away. The drug war is a fallacy. With drugs pumping billions into the economy, people are not going to take a chance to ruin an already broken system. Oh, there are many things we could get on a soap box and talk and rant and rave about. But know that there are thousands who have not bowed down to the idols of this world. There are many true Christians out there. We just need to seek them and find a away to show them our support. Pray for our nation, and its inhabitants.

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